About Us

Connecting people with care

Welcome to  Help@Hand 

Help@Hand is a California statewide collaborative project to bring technology-based mental health solutions to the public mental health system through a highly innovative portfolio of digital solutions. The goals of this initiative are to increase access to mental health care, promote early detection of mental health symptoms, and predict the onset of mental illness. The collaboration is piloting and deploying digital platforms that expand the capacity and capability of county mental health systems to serve individuals with a wide array of needs.

CalMHSA is an independent administrative and fiscal government agency focused on the efficient delivery of California mental health projects. CalMHSA was established in June 2009 as a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) where members work together to develop, fund, and implement mental health services, projects, and educational programs.

Guided by 5 learning objectives approved by the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC), our task with Help@Hand was to discover if technology fits within the Behavioral Health System of Care. To achieve this, the Help@Hand community developed a project ecosystem to test new methods for improving access to mental health services. This effort included changes to processes, procedures, and the courage to learn something new. Counties and Cities led the Help@Hand charge to address the evolving needs of their stakeholders while adapting to constant changes in the social and digital environment.