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Across The

Help@Hand Innovation Project
Help@Hand, a California City and County Collaborative was created to determine if and how technology fits within the behavioral health system of care.
The vision of Help@Hand was to save lives and improve the wellbeing of Californians by integrating promising technologies and lived experiences to open doors to mental health support and wellbeing.
Collaboration Achievements!
We are proud to celebrate the innovation work of CalMHSA and 14 cities and counties that participated in the Help@Hand program that ran from March 2019 to June 2024. This collaboration of agencies, vendors, and individuals pursued innovative solutions to help people access mental health applications and services with remarkable results and experiences. Below are some of the more prominent achievements of the Collaboration:
- An unprecedented approach in implementing innovation with local governments
- Shared ideas, knowledge and experiences to leverage lessons learned, reduce and mitigate risks, and identify better ways to engage the community.
- Allowed for county/city independence to directly meet community needs.
- Reduced individual county/city expenses across mutual vendors with Master Service & Business Associate Agreements.
- Established Peer Support Specialists to advocate for consumers, promote program awareness, connect with the community, and reduce mental health stigma.
- Provided access to devices, education, and services technologies to support mental health and well-being.
- Adapted to identified need among target populations by developing Digital Mental Health Literacy (DMHL) training.
- Responded to the COVID-19 Pandemic by expanding technologies/solutions and target populations to increase program reach and meet the needs of more consumers.
For more updates, refer to the Evaluation Reports.